Okay. You might not know me. Or do you? Well, if you don't I can tell something about me. Who is that little creature who writes this crazy system for you?

Name: Audrey "Audra" Tabitha Louise (Moon)Dancer url. Irl it is Jenni Emilia and a difficult last name.
Birthday: September 7th.
Age: 15

Addicted to: Look at the list, the list people, the list!
Character: I have lots of characters! Okay, well, I meant rpg-characters and so on, but really, I have a complicated character myself. Sarcastic sense of humour, coffee-obsessed weirdo who is musical and a some kind of weird artist. I really don't know what am I like so I guess you just have to get to know me. I'm not a very difficult person, I have a weird thingies but they're mostly harmless. And I'm still quite mean. Nyahaha.

Where can I been found: Deviantart (Shaimee), NaNoWriMo, Susien Renessanssi (Takatalvi), Vuotis, Majatalo, (Moondancer)... Etc.

Blah. I don't have inspiration to write this now. I'm a weird artist girl, literatude loving idiotistic wannabe-psychologist and something else. Find out by yourself.